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LeeAnn Taylor  - the original...     #grandmillennial

Yes, I might be a little bit long in the tooth, but I still know which end is up. And what’s up are all these kids I’ve raised, these Millennial beings who seem to go about life looking through a completely different set of glasses than I wear. They’re smart and spontaneous, (not that I’m not) and they’re constantly evolving from one Tweet, Blast, Like, #Tag and Post to another, and so are those grandkids. So to have a conversation with any of them I’ve got to get their attention first...and I’m their mother. The, #Grandmillennial, if you please. 

If I have a hard time capturing their attention for longer than a minute at a time I couldn’t help but start thinking about what a headache marketing and advertising to this group must be. I fancy myself a little bit of an audio marketing and advertising whiz, since that is what my chosen field happens to be. Low and behold I set out to pick the brains and dissect these cagey Millennials, for the sake of grocery retailers and advertisers alike, and why not start out with mine.  see my blog here 

The man behind the curtain.... (pay him No attention)

Bryan Adams is the Director of Sales and Marketing for Adergy.  Aside from being the dad of two millennials, Bryan is the creative energy behind the look and feel of what goes on here, as well as the monkey with the wrench for the blog, website and social media.  And, as the mad scientist behind Adergy's industry-leading app (search AdergizeMe on iphone), he would get his feelings hurt if we didn't love on him some.

Connect with Bryan here on LinkedIn  or email him at

John Greenfield, CEO  Adergy, Inc 

John Greenfield is a pioneer in creating store-specific audio marketing in supermarkets.  As founder of Adergy Inc more than 25 years ago, John brought his lifetime experience in the grocery industry and married it with his passion and expertise in effective audio marketing, at every level. 

John is the Commander-in-Chief of the Millennial Starship and has his finger on the pulse of the future.  He has boldly gone, and will continue to go on, challenging and advancing an industry that was built on paper sacks and warm smiles.  
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